Sponsorships & Event Giving

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WYSO Program 2024-2025 Sponsorships

By sponsoring a performance, ensemble class, guest artist, tour, or instrument purchase that is meaningful to you, you can help hundreds of young musicians continue to study music with WYSO. Use the links below to view available sponsorships for the 2024-2025 season.

Sponsors will be acknowledged on the website and in appropriate programs, with special behind-the-scenes benefits arranged for each sponsorship. If you have questions about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Eric Prudent at 608.733.6283 x1145 or eric@wysomusic.org.

Our new WYSO Program Sponsorships have just been released!

Download a pdf of the Sponsorships here or click below for the online version!

Orchestra Performance Opportunities

..WYSO’s three major concert series are supported by endowments, but there are plenty of other exciting performance opportunities in the 2024-25 music season!

Sponsor guest artist Tom Mesa for a fall Youth Orchestra Masterclass on September 21. This Cuban-American cellist has established himself as one of the most charismatic, innovative, and engaging performers of his generation. Tom will hold a 90-minute masterclass. (Reserved)

Sponsor Winterfest guest artist Uri Vardi’s performance with the Youth Orchestra on March 2.  ($1,500)

Sponsor Uri Vardi’s Masterclass for Youth Orchestra in February. Reserved

Sponsor the WYSO Youth Orchestra Concerto Competition. The winner will perform in the Spring Youth Orchestra Concert at the Hamel Music Center. ($4,000)

Sponsor the WYSO Philharmonia Orchestra Concerto Competition. The winner will perform in the Spring Philharmonia Concert at the Hamel Music Center. ($3,000)

Sponsor the WYSO Percussion Extravaganza Guest Artists. Sponsor Liam Teague and Jaden Teague-Nunez, Steel Pan Virtuosos.This amazing father and son will share their skills in percussion workshops and perform at the Percussion Extravaganza on April 2nd. ($3,500)

Orchestra Ensemble Sponsorships

Sponsor the Pondrom Honors Quartet. The musicians in this advanced quartet perform at WYSO Chamber Music recitals, compete at national competitions, and serve as WYSO community ambassadors. (Reserved)

Sponsor the Lalita Woodwind Quintet. The five gifted woodwind players in this quintet explore the vast woodwind repertoire, give public performances, and compete in competitions. (Reserved)

Co-Sponsor the Chamber Music Program. Led by Director Karl Lavine, the WYSO Chamber Music Program focuses on small ensemble communication and performance for kids at all stages of their musical journey. 10 Sponsors / $5,000 minimum

Sponsor the Flute Choir. Now in its second year, the Flute Choir provides performance opportunities and challenging repertoire for talented student flutists. Reserved

Orchestra In-State Tour Sponsorships

These exciting sponsorships offer WYSO members the opportunity to present concert repertoire to three schools in one tour. The kids are role models in schools with orchestra programs and introduce the world of orchestral music to those without. Schools love having WYSO kids perform!


Sponsor the Youth Orchestra In-State Tour on November 6 Reserved

Sponsor the Philharmonia Orchestra In-State tour on November 7 ($7,500)

Sponsor the Concert Orchestra In-State tour on November 14 ($6,000)

Sponsor the Opus One Orchestra In-State Tour on February 18 ($5,000)

Sponsor the Percussion Ensemble and Brass Choir In-State Tour on February 19 ($4,000)

Sponsor the Sinfonietta Orchestra In-State Tour on February 20 ($5,000)

Sponsor Receptions and Celebrations

Sponsor the First Orchestra Rehearsal Day on September 7 (Reserved)

Sponsor the Music Makers Welcome Picnic on September 7 (Reserved)

Sponsor the Alumni Reunion Reception on December 20 (Reserved)

Sponsor the Alumni Reunion Reading Orchestra on December 21 (Reserved)

Sponsor the Alumni Reunion Luncheon on December 21 ($2,500)

Sponsor the Percussion Extravaganza Reception on April 12 ($750)

Sponsor the WYSO Senior Awards Event in May ($1,200)

Sponsor Music Makers Performances

Sponsor the Fall Music Makers Recital on Saturday, November 9 (Reserved)

Sponsor the Fall Music Makers Recital Weekend on Sunday, November 10 (Reserved)

Sponsor the Music Makers Fall Concert on December 15 (Reserved)

Sponsor the Spring Music Makers Recital on Saturday, April 12 ($3,500)

Sponsor the Spring Music Makers Recital on Sunday, April 13 ($3,500)

Sponsor the Music Makers Spring Concert on Saturday, May 18 ($6,500)

Sponsor Music Makers Ensembles

Sponsor the Music Makers Creative Ensemble Class ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Folk Ensemble ($2,000)

Sponsor the Percussion Pilots (Level 1) ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Hand Drumming Class Percussion (Level 2) ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Percussion Ensemble (Level 3) ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers KeyBoard Percussion (Mallet Instruments) ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Music Theory Class (Level 1) ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Music Theory Class (Level 2) ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Music Theory Class (Level 3) ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Music Theory Class (Level 4) ($2,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Violin and Viola Classes($10,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Guitar Classes ($4,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Piano Lab Classes ($4,000)

Sponsor Performance Venues

Sponsor the auditorium rental at Verona HS PAC for the WYSO Fall Concerts ($10,000)

Sponsor the auditorium rental at Sun Prairie West for the WYSO Winterfest Concert ($10,000)

Sponsor the facilities rental at Middleton Performing Arts Center (Percussion Extravaganza) ($8,500)

Sponsor the facilities rental at the Hamel Music Center (Spring Concerts) ($10,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers facilities rental at MYArts for fall and spring concerts ($3,000)

Sponsor Leadership Training

Sponsor the Music MakersTeen Teachers Program ($1,200)

Sponsor the Orchestras “Connection” Program ($1,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Student Council ($1,000)

Sponsor the Music Makers Leadership Workshops ($10,000)


For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Eric Prudent at 608.733.6283 x1145 or eric@wysomusic.org.

Interested in making a one-time or recurring gift to WYSO?

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