You will find helpful resource links on this page. If you have any questions, please contact WYSO.

Program Tuition Information
Información Sobre La Matricula Del Programa
Click the appropriate button below.
Pinche en el botón correspondiente a continuación

Chamber Music Application
Solicitudes Para El Programa De Música Cámara
The WYSO Chamber Music Program is designed for members interested in learning more about chamber music and performing in a small group setting. The Chamber Music Program is open to String, Woodwind, and Piano players that are current WYSO members. Non-WYSO musicians are eligible by video or live auditions. Members can choose their own group members or be assigned a group. Groups rehearse with a coach before or after their orchestra rehearsal ten times throughout each semester, and perform in at least two concerts each season. Although optional, members are highly encouraged to participate.

Scholarship Information
Informacion De Becas
Need a scholarship for an orchestra or chamber music program?
¿Necesita una beca para una orquesta o para el programa de música de cámara?