Student Spotlight

Babayosimi Fadiran
I knew I wanted to join an orchestra after seeing my first concert at the age of 9. What got me hooked was discovering the versatility of the cello with its wide sound range resembling a human’s. This interest pushed me to join my middle school orchestra…

Ally Hansen
I was inspired to start tuba after I heard my now private teacher, Mike Forbes, play a multiphonics piece called Fnugg. I’ve since realized that’s not what tuba players do on a regular basis, but it was like nothing I had ever heard…

Eddie Chen
I began playing the violin when I was six years old and found my teacher, mentor, and friend, Liz Norton, who I studied under for the past 11 years. Once I started 5th grade, Liz pushed for me to join WYSO. For several years, I wasn’t sure how to commit to WYSO…

Jasmine Maller
I have been in WYSO for four years and currently play flute in Philharmonia as well as have played piano for three years in the chamber program. Coming from a small school, WYSO was the first opportunity I had to ever play in an orchestra…

Jessica Jiang
From the first moment I picked up my violin in 6th grade (albeit in a completely incorrect manner), I knew I was going to love the instrument. I learned rather quickly, and my teacher, Liz, soon encouraged me to audition for WYSO. After 7 months on the violin, I was accepted as a first violinist in Sinfonietta…

Sophie Griffith-Oh
I still remember my very first WYSO rehearsal with Concert Orchestra in 7th grade. It was my first time playing in an orchestra, my only ensemble experience up to that point being three years in my school’s 8-person band. I remember scrambling to figure out what the tuning note was, and how incredible it was to see all the string players’ bows moving in unison…