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Thank you for supporting Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras!
Your donation will provide opportunity and inspiration that lasts a lifetime. Thank you for your support and investment in our students!
When you make a gift to the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras, you join thousands of alumni, parents, and loyal friends who keep music education thriving in our community.
Is this donation tax deductible?
Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of the U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.
How should I select a program or fund?
Funds are listed in alphabetical order in the dropdown menu. If you know what fund you’re looking for, use the search feature to find it! If you wish to designate your donation elsewhere, please select “WYSO-Other” and specify your designation in step 3 of the checkout process.
Click here for a full description of each WYSO fund.
How should I select a program or fund?
Funds are listed in alphabetical order in the dropdown menu. If you know what fund you’re looking for, use the search feature to find it! If you wish to designate your donation elsewhere, please select “WYSO-Other” and specify your designation in step 3 of the checkout process.
Click here for a full description of each WYSO fund.
Where can I donate to the Note by Note Campaign for the WYSO Center for Music?
Fundraising for our Note by Note Campaign is hosted on Note by Note fundraising web page. Click here to visit the site and support our campaign!
Can I set up a recurring ACH transfer?
Although you can’t complete an ACH transfer through this donation page, we are more than happy to set one up for you! Please contact us at if you’re interested.
Who should I contact for donor support?
Donor Support:
Phone: 608-733-6283